

High Interest Rates Aren't Going Anywhere — An Economist Explains What This Means for the Cost of Doing Business

Unless the real interest rate drops, companies that borrow to raise capital can expect to keep paying high rates for quite a while. Here's what this is likely to mean for how they do business.

Thought Leaders

Starting a Business Is Impossible Without One Thing — and It's Not Cash

The importance of social capital, especially for startups, is more than just a cliche.

Business News

A Lot of Things Are Getting Cheaper. Here's Why You Probably Haven't Noticed.

With inflation still high on many items, everything still feels expensive — even as prices drop.

Business News

'This Is Personal': What Business Leaders Around the World Are Saying About Hamas' Attack on Israel

Business leaders worldwide on what the war could mean for oil prices, inflation, and the world economy.

Health & Wellness

This U.S. State Was Named Best for Business For the Second Year In a Row

CNBC just released its annual rankings for America's Top States for Business

Business News

'Big Short' Investor: SVB Crisis Is Accelerating Economic Slowdown

Danny Moses is pessimistic after Silicon Valley Bank's demise.

Business News

Jamie Dimon Says Soft Landing Possible for Economy, but Warns of 'Scary Stuff'

The JPMorgan CEO points out major threats to global stability, from trade wars to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Business News

Two Billionaires Are Rigging the Market. Here's How to Fight Back

The simple fact is the deck has been stacked against you like never before. Two unelected billionaires have undertaken to "reinvent" the American economy

Money & Finance

This Founder — Whose Company Was Acquired by The Makers of Facetune — Reveals The Tools Brands and Creators Need Right Now to Scale.

From co-founding Popular Pays to becoming the VP of Brand Collaborations of Lightricks, Corbett Drummey is on a mission to empower brands and creators. He sat down with Jessica Abo to talk about the creator economy and what to ask yourself if you want your business to be acquired.

Business News

PCE Indicates Slowdown In Spending, Economy Weakens

The PCE index considered key by the Federal Reserve, showed a 4.4% increase from a year ago, down from 4.7% in November.

Franchise 500 Annual Ranking

Yes, You Can Buy a Franchise In a Bad Economy — But First, Ask These 5 Questions

A step-by-step guide on what to find out before you sign.

Making a Change

A New Economy is Coming. Here Are 5 Ways to Prepare Your Mindset for Personal Success

Follow these few tips to let go of the old economy mindset and transition to the new economy.

Money & Finance

With a Recession Looming and Interest Rates Rising, What's Next for the Economy?

Recent news and updates on the economic state for 2023.

Business News

Here's What a Strong US Dollar Means for Your Stocks

The headlines pointing out the strong U.S. dollar is becoming commonplace these days. A strong U.S. dollar may be good for U.S. citizens buying foreign

Science & Technology

Forecast the Economy Better with This Product

Gong helps sales organizations better forecast revenue.