
Business News

Elon Musk Isn't Suing ChatGPT-Maker OpenAI Anymore

His decision comes one day after criticizing OpenAI's new partnership with Apple.

Business News

A Timeline of the Twists Since 'Baby Reindeer' Was Released, Leading to Fiona Harvey Suing Netflix for $170 Million

On June 6, Harvey's representatives filed a lawsuit against Netflix, seeking more than $170 million in damages.

Business News

TikTok Sues U.S. to Block Ban, Sale Mandate, Says Divesting From ByteDance 'Not Possible'

TikTok has less than a year to separate from Beijing-based ByteDance or face a U.S. ban.

Business News

Jeff Bezos and Amazon Execs Used An Encrypted Messaging App to Talk About 'Sensitive Business Matters,' FTC Alleges

The FTC's filing claims Bezos and other execs used a disappearing message feature even after Amazon knew it was being investigated.

Business News

Panera Bread Hit With a Second Wrongful Death Lawsuit Over Its Caffeinated 'Charged Lemonade'

Panera's 30-ounce charged lemonade has more caffeine than Red Bull and Monster energy drinks.

Business News

Airbnb 'Tenant From Hell' Finally Leaves, Police Oversaw the Move Out

An Airbnb guest rented a guesthouse for a long-term stay in 2021 but remained in the unit for 570 days — without paying rent.

Business News

Amazon Used a 'Secret Algorithm' to Inflate Prices by Over $1 Billion, FTC Says

The complaint claims Amazon employed the "Project Nessie" algorithm to manipulate competitors.

Business News

Former PR Exec Accused of Involving Celebrities in 'Fictitious' Campaigns Pleads Guilty to Defrauding Victims Out of $3.8 Million

Andrew Garson pled guilty to one count of wire fraud and agreed to pay $3,754,068 in restitution to the victims of his crime. His sentencing is scheduled for February 28, 2024.

Business News

Realtors Found Guilty of Conspiring to Keep Agent Commissions High, Ordered to Pay $1.8 Billion in Damages

The National Association of Realtors (NAR) and major brokerage firms were found guilty by a federal jury in Missouri for deliberately inflating real estate agent commissions.

Business News

United Airlines Flight Attendants Claim They Were Taken Off an MLB Team Charter For Not Being 'White, Young, and Thin' in a New Lawsuit

Flight attendants Dawn Todd and Darby Quezada filed a lawsuit against United Airlines, claiming they were denied roles on a Dodgers charter flight due to their appearances not meeting specific racial and physical preferences.


Carnival Cruise Found 'Negligent' for 'Lethal' Covid Riddled Voyage Where Over 600 Passengers Fell Ill

The Ruby Princess ocean liner, owned by Carnival and its subsidiary Princess Cruises, set sail from Sydney, Australia to New Zealand on March 8, 2020, with 2,671 passengers aboard.

Business News

Meta Sued By 42 State Attorneys General For Allegedly Designing 'Addictive' Features on Facebook and Instagram

The lawsuit claims that Meta used algorithmic design, frequent alerts, and infinite scrolling to keep young users engaged for extended periods and encourage repeated usage.

Business News

College Student's Tragic Death Sparks Legal Battle as Parents Sue Panera Over High-Caffeine 'Charged Lemonade'

A 21-year-old college student, Sarah Katz, purchased Panera Bread's Charged Lemonade and passed away hours later after going into cardiac arrest.

Business News

A Popular Drug Store Chain Is Filing for Bankruptcy Amid Opioid Lawsuits and Financial Woes

The pharmacy chain Rite Aid first opened in Pennsylvania in 1962.

Business News

Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Accusing Wendy's and McDonald's of Size Exaggeration in Ads

The judge wondered if the plaintiff had even seen the advertisements in question.