Shark Tank

News and Trends

Niyogin Fintech Limited Acquires "Superscan" from

This strategic acquisition showcases Niyogin's commitment to spearheading digital transformation and encouraging the widespread adoption of cutting-edge technologies.

Business News

Kevin O'Leary Says This Is a 'Huge Red Flag' When He's Looking at Resumes

The "Shark Tank" star took to X to share his opinions on job hopping — and how long you should really stay in a job.

News and Trends

Blue Tea Achieves INR 5 Crore In Monthly Revenue Following Feature On Shark Tank India

The brand focuses on Ayurvedic principles, offering natural flower-based herbal teas and caffeine-free options

Growing a Business

Bantam Bagels' Founder Fell Into a Mindset Trap 'People Don't Talk About' After Selling the Now-Defunct Business for $34 Million — Here's What Happened

Elyse Oleksak and her husband Nick founded their mini bagel business in 2013 — and it was an instant hit.

Starting a Business

This Entrepreneur Pranked Mark Cuban on National Television. The Shark Was So Impressed He Offered to Invest $640,000 — in Empty Boxes.

Ryan Walther, co-founder of prank gift box and gag gift company Prank-O, combined his passions for comedy and business.


The Dynamic Duo: Vineeta Singh and Kaushik Mukherjee

The Remakers of Beauty Industry

Starting a Business

7 Ways to Fund Your Startup in 2024

Remember that businesses like Grammarly, Spanx, TOMS shoes, YouTube, and Apple were once small businesses, too. So, while the journey may be challenging, it's worth working for!

Business News

These Are 2 'Stupid' Ways That People Waste $15,000 Every Year, Kevin O'Leary Says: 'Are You an Idiot?'

"Mr. Wonderful" doesn't mince words when it comes to saving money.

Business News

'You Can't Feel Sorry for Yourself': Barbara Corcoran Shares Her Top Mindset Hack For When You've Been Laid Off

She'd know — the "Shark Tank" star said she's been laid off several times.

Business News

'Each of You Will Be Receiving a Bonus': Mark Cuban Announces Massive Payout to Mavericks' Employees — Here's How Much

The billionaire sold his majority stake in the franchise last year — but said he plans to remain involved.


Muere Carlos Bremer, el visionario empresario mexicano, a los 63 años

Conocido por su participación en "Shark Tank" y por revitalizar la carrera del cantante Luis Miguel, Bremer se desplomó en la oficina de su empresa en Nuevo León el pasado 2 de enero. El día de perdió la vida.

Side Hustle

He Started a Side Hustle in His Dorm Room With 'a Bunch of Ingredients From Amazon and a Crockpot' — Now It's a $56 Million Brand in Walmarts Nationwide

Oliver Zak, co-founder of Mad Rabbit, was at his third tattoo appointment when he noticed a serious gap in the aftercare market and decided to take matters into his own hands.