Brian-Damien Morgan

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Business News

Costco records third-quarter solid earnings and tops Wall St expectations

Costco, the renowned value wholesale store, has demonstrated its financial prowess by delivering a robust third-quarter earnings report that has outperformed the market’s expectations. Costco’s impressive performance in the stock...

Business News

Department of Labor sued three Alabama businesses for child labor fraud

The Department of Labor (DOL) has investigated three Alabama businesses for fraudulent employee recruitment and benefits from child labor breaches. U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Alabama charged...

Business News

Kohl’s Q1 financials cause shares to slump

Kohl’s, the household United States department store, has recorded a slump in shares due to a poor earnings report. The chain’s First Quarter Fiscal 2024 Financial Results, announced with little...

Business News

McDonald’s CEO releases public statement addressing price hikes

Joe Erlinger, President of McDonald’s USA, has released a statement rebuffing recent news and social media criticism about the food chain’s prices. In a post on the official McDonald’s site,...

Business News

Mass Ave Global and CEO charged for misleading investors

Mass Ave Global Inc. (MassAve) and its co-founder and CEO, Winston M. Feng, have been charged with misleading investors. The Securities and Exchange Commission has charged the investment advisors with...

Business News

Glass Lewis urges Musk’s $56 billion pay be voted down

Glass Lewis & Co. have urged stakeholders to vote down the exorbitant $56 million pay packet that Elon Musk might receive. The proxy service advisor has criticized the billionaire, and...

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