Roxanne Klein

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
Retail Commercial Real Estate Broker

Roxy Klein is focused on the leasing and sale of retail commercial properties in Southern California's Inland Empire and San Gabriel Valley regions. Her expertise includes leasing, sales, & landlord / tenant representation. Roxy's performance on Crexi puts her in the top 1% of all users.

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Business Process

Stop Using the Term 'Cold Calling' — Use These 5 Alternative Names Instead

Re-naming the term 'cold calling' can help grow your business — here's how.


Your Employees are Demotivated and You Could Be Responsible — Here are 6 Ways to Keep Your Team Energized and Engaged

The most critical factor in job retention is an employee's relationship with their manager. Don't demotivate your employees; instead, empower them. Here's how.


3 Ways to Tackle Common Social Media Obstacles

With social media, quality is more important than quantity.


7 Tips for How To Get Along With Your Peers

Workplace personalities often clash, and team members might not see eye to eye.

Business News

7 Strategies to Secure Business from Fellow Entrepreneurs

When implemented, these seven strategies will be valuable and helpful in growing your brand and ultimately increasing your revenue.


¿Hablas demasiado? Necesitas brevedad: aquí tienes 6 estrategias de comunicación para evitar hablar en exceso

El tiempo es el recurso más precioso para un emprendedor, pues cada momento es una oportunidad para innovar, planificar estrategias y llevar su negocio hacia el éxito. No desperdicies el tiempo de otra persona al no ser conciso.

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