Latest from Entrepreneur Middle East


Listen Up: Sony WH-1000XM5

From airplane noise to people's voices, the Sony WH-1000XM5 headphones ensure you won't hear any of it.

Business News

7 AI Secrets Every Entrepreneur Must Know: AI Quiz and Breaking News from OpenAI You Can't Miss

Check out these 7 critical questions from our unique quiz that uncovers the AI secrets every entrepreneur must know!

Business News

GameStop stocks take a hammering despite pandemic-era personality’s praise

GameStop, the videogame and console retailer, witnessed a huge plunge in stock price despite a vocal pandemic-era viral supporter attempting to rally investors. The person known as “Roaring Kitty” or...

Business News

Uncertainty looms over Paramount as a billion-dollar deal hangs in the balance

Paramount, a globally recognized film and television brand, is battling a rocky patch with a billion-dollar deal hanging in the balance. During the media giant's board elections, current majority shareholder...


6 Signs You Have a Bad Boss

There's nothing worse than having a bad boss, here are some things you should watch out for.


Want to Get The Most Out of AI? Start Treating AI Like Your Human Employees

The latest AI agents are capable of fantastic growth and evolution — if we learn to coach them past their mistakes

Business News

A Timeline of the Twists Since 'Baby Reindeer' Was Released, Leading to Fiona Harvey Suing Netflix for $170 Million

On June 6, Harvey's representatives filed a lawsuit against Netflix, seeking more than $170 million in damages.

Business News

Watch This Tense 4-Minute Bidding War for Sylvester Stallone's Prized Watch — Ending in Purchase of Over $5 Million

Stallone's collection of rare watches went up for auction through Sotheby's on Wednesday.

Business News

Unmasking real influencers of home affordability

The issue of home affordability has become a significant concern in recent years, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The average monthly mortgage payment has dramatically increased, jumping...


I Led 26,000 Employees Across The World — I See This Leadership Skill Being Overlooked The Most By My Industry Peers.

By bonding with their team individually and at scale, leaders can create a culture where people take risks and overcome the toughest challenges

Business News

Elon Musk's Proposed $56 Billion Pay Package Is 'Obviously Not About the Money,' Writes Tesla Chair

Tesla's chairperson of the board of directors sent a letter to Tesla shareholders, warning them that the company could lose Elon's attention if they don't approve his pay package.


5 Small Business Marketing Tactics to See Results This Quarter

Five quick and effective small business marketing strategies that can yield both short-term results and long-term success.


How to Break Out of AI-Fueled Analysis Paralysis

Instead of getting overwhelmed by an abundance of data, leaders should focus on clear use cases and quick wins.

Business Solutions

Save $139 on This VPN Unlimited Subscription

Rated 4.6/5 stars on the app store, this VPN solution works with all of your devices.