Thought Leaders

Tap into advice and insights from some of the business world's foremost thought leaders, and find out what it takes to join them.


Want to Get The Most Out of AI? Start Treating AI Like Your Human Employees

The latest AI agents are capable of fantastic growth and evolution — if we learn to coach them past their mistakes


I Led 26,000 Employees Across The World — I See This Leadership Skill Being Overlooked The Most By My Industry Peers.

By bonding with their team individually and at scale, leaders can create a culture where people take risks and overcome the toughest challenges


How to Break Out of AI-Fueled Analysis Paralysis

Instead of getting overwhelmed by an abundance of data, leaders should focus on clear use cases and quick wins.

Business News

Jack Dorsey Says Social Media Has an Algorithm Problem, and Elon Musk Agrees: 'We Are Being Programmed'

"The public square cannot be owned by one company," Dorsey said. "The public square, by default, is the Internet."

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7 Strategies to Recession Proof Your Business in 2024 and Beyond

Insulate yourself from the turbulence so you can maximize the opportunities and grow.

Thought Leaders

How Leaders Can Create a Resilient Workforce and Support Employee Mental Health Challenges

Are you prepared to support the mental wellness of the incoming workforce?

Making a Change

How to Prepare Your Kids For Their Future Through Valuable Business Lessons

As a father of triplets, I understand firsthand the desire to prepare my kids for an ever-changing professional landscape. But where do you start? If you're looking for a few actionable ways to get your kids involved in business, consider trying some of these tips.


I've Taught Over 10,000 People How to Build Their Entrepreneurial Spirit — Here's How to Keep That Spark Alive Long After Your Startup Succeeds

Here are three crucial tips for how companies can overcome risk aversion, prioritize entrepreneurship and promote the creativity that made them successful in the first place.

Thought Leaders

Break Free From Client Burnout With These 6 Strategies

How much stress is too much stress? Here are some effective strategies for managing burnout when working with clients.

Growing a Business

How an Annoying Backbreaking Chore Sparked the Idea for This Entrepreneur's Thriving Business

Find out how City Tree Delivery in Chicago brings the holiday spirit directly to urban doorsteps.


Should I Tell My Boss About This? This is How to Balance What Your Direct Reports Do (& Don't) Need to Know

Understanding what your direct reports do and don't need to know ensures smoother communication and leads to better outcomes.

Starting a Business

Monetize Your Expertise — The Ultimate Guide to Creating and Selling Online Courses and eBooks

Unlock the secrets to transforming your knowledge into income with this comprehensive guide on creating and selling online courses and eBooks.

Thought Leaders

Creativity Isn't Just Something You're Born With — It's a Skill You Can Develop. Here's How.

Creativity is a vital skill for personal and business success, yet many people struggle to nurture it — or they believe they can't. Here are some practical steps and principles to align your mindset and emotions to enhance your creative potential.

Growing a Business

Why Your Company Needs to Rethink Its Purpose to Acquire Loyal Customers — And Drive More Sales.

The traditional path of finding a niche and competing on quality or price will no longer work. If you want true enduring and evangelical customer loyalty, deliver a product or service that connects with your customers on an emotional level.