Celebrity Entrepreneurs - Page 10

In search of some celebrity entrepreneur inspiration? Learn from the likes of Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson and more, here.

Business News

Who Is Linda Yaccarino? Everything to Know About Twitter's New CEO

On June 5, Elon Musk officially passed the CEO torch to a new leader: Linda Yaccarino, an accomplished advertising executive who formerly worked at NBC Universal.

Business News

Want to Go to Space? Virgin Galactic Will Launch First Commercial Flight in June, Aiming For Monthly Flights After August

Virgin Galactic announced its first commercial flight will take off in a launch window of June 27 to June 30.

More Posts on Celebrity Entrepreneurs

Business News

Twitter Slammed With Lawsuit Over Copyright Infringement

The platform is being sued by 17 separate music publishers in Nashville.

Science & Technology

Why Elon Musk and Other Tech Experts Are Worried About Artificial Intelligence

In the emerging AI era, notable tech figures celebrate the technology's astounding capabilities while other companies fiercely compete in the AI market. Yet, as businesses struggle to adapt, many tech experts voice concerns about AI's potential pitfalls.

Business News

Meta Unveils Twitter Competitor to Offer People a 'Sanely Run' Platform

The company is in talks with Oprah Winfrey and the Dalai Lama regarding commitments to the app.

Business News

Twitter's U.S. Ad Sales Are Tanking Despite Elon Musk's Claim That Nearly All Advertisers Have Come Back — Take a Look at the Turmoil

The company's new chief executive Linda Yaccarino reportedly started her role earlier than expected.

Business News

As CEOs Head to China, Elon Musk Hailed as 'Global Idol' and Treated to 16-Course Dinner

Elon Musk, Jamie Dimon and Laxman Narasimhan are all in town for separate business matters.

Business News

Elon Musk's Brain Implants Were Just Approved for Human Use. 'You'll Be Able to Save and Replay Memories.'

Musk's company Neuralink received a thumbs up from the FDA to test the devices in clinical trials.

Business News

'Please Feel Free To Correct Me': Mark Cuban Slams Elon Musk Over 'Free Speech' On Twitter

Cuban has long been critical of Musk's decisions with the social media platform after purchasing it.

Business News

Report: Jeff Bezos Proposed to Lauren Sánchez with a $2.5 Million Ring

The Amazon founder is said to be engaged to the Emmy-award-winning news anchor and pilot.


PR Isn't Rocket Science -- But Elon Musk Wants You to Think It Is

Reading between the lines of Musk's public disdain for public relations and manufactured press.