News and Trends: Page 10

Business News

Target Is Lowering Prices on Thousands of Items — Here's Where You Can Expect to Save

The news was announced ahead of Target's Q1 2024 earnings call, expected to occur Wednesday at 10 a.m. EST.

Business News

Kickstarter Is Opening Up Its Platform to Creators and Making Big Changes to Its Model — Here's What's New

The company noted it is moving beyond traditional crowdfunding and making it easier for businesses to raise more money.

Business News

The 15 Best Places to Live in the U.S., Where Homes Are Cheaper and There Are Lots of Jobs to Choose From

U.S. News & World Report's 2024-2025 list of the best places to live in the U.S. is out. Here are the cities that made the top 15.

Business News

Red Lobster Breaks Silence on 'Misunderstood' Bankruptcy Filing: 'Does Not Mean We Are Going Out of Business'

The seafood chain filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Monday.


What Franchising Can Teach The NFL About The Impact of Private Equity

The NFL is smart to take a thoughtful approach before approving institutional capital's investment in teams.

Business News

Now that OpenAI's Superalignment Team Has Been Disbanded, Who's Preventing AI from Going Rogue?

We spoke to an AI expert who says safety and innovation are not separate things that must be balanced; they go hand in hand.

Business News

'Take the Money Out of the Equation': Barbara Corcoran Offers Tips for New Graduates Navigating the Job Market

The "Shark Tank" star says she worked almost two dozen jobs before turning 23.

Business News

Scarlett Johansson 'Shocked' That OpenAI Used a Voice 'So Eerily Similar' to Hers After Already Telling the Company 'No'

Johansson asked OpenAI how they created the AI voice that her "closest friends and news outlets could not tell the difference."

News and Trends

Tata Motors Making Products Accessibility Simpler

From making financing solutions easier for its customers to making investments across brands; the company is dedicated to improve mass penetration

News and Trends

SanchiConnect and YourNest Venture Capital Launch Accelerator Program for Deeptech Start-ups

The program will welcome start-ups from sectors such as AgriTech, AdTech, BioTech, Consumer/Retail, Energy, MarTech, Manufacturing, FoodTech, Green Energy, Mobility/Transportation, SpaceTech, Health Tech/MedTech, Media/Entertainment, Enterprise Tech, and Telecom

News and Trends

Singapore-based ThinKuvate Launches Maiden INR 100 Crore Fund For India

The fund, with an investor base of nearly 200, expects to reach its first close within this quarter and start deploying capital from the next quarter

Business News

Commencement Speaker Gives Graduates $1,000 in Envelopes During Speech

Granite Telecommunications founder and CEO Robert Hale Jr. spoke to University of Massachusetts Dartmouth graduates and gave a gift — with a twist.

Business News

Here's How Much Money Xander Schauffele Won at the 2024 PGA Championship

This year's purse was $18.5 million in total, up $1 million from last year.

Business News

See How Madison Marsh Balances Her Duties as a U.S. Air Force Officer and Miss America

"I serve as 2nd Lt. Marsh, and I serve as Miss America simultaneously."

Business News

This Luxury Cruise Line Wants You to Retire at Sea for a Flat Fee

For the price of a house, you can live on a boat (for three years).