Latest from Entrepreneur Europe

Money & Finance

How the UK Has Set its Sights on Becoming a Fintech Haven in the Wake of Brexit

The UK is still a leader when it comes to the number of companies operating in fintech. However, can complications arising from Brexit lead to the loss of ground?

Business News

Costco Customers Claim a Favorite Food's New Packaging Is Causing Leaks: 'Hated Everything About It'

Costco's rotisserie chicken is a cult-favorite item with a low price point, but its new packaging is reportedly making a mess.


Why Companies Grappling With 'Diversity Fatigue' Need to Change Their Approach to Juneteenth

There's an unfortunate trend sweeping the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) space these days: fatigue. DEI fatigue is the feeling of exhaustion, frustration and skepticism around working toward a diverse, inclusive, and equitable organization. Champions of DEI like thought leaders, consultants, diversity officers, and others are committed, but there are a substantial number of companies that are fatigued and questioning their commitment.

Business News

Alleviating college costs through scholarships

The cost of higher education is a significant concern for many families. With tuition fees, accommodation costs, and other expenses, the financial burden can be overwhelming. However, there are ways...

Business News

How Can AI Help Small Businesses? It's A Matter of Trust, According to a New Report

Only 7% of U.S. desk workers see AI answers as completely trustworthy.


Put Your Design Skills to Work with a Decorating Den Interiors Franchise!

Discover the top benefits of owning a Decorating Den Interiors franchise, from extensive supplier access and supportive community to low overhead costs, perfect for creative entrepreneurs.

Business News

Chick-fil-A's Camp for Kids 'Completely Booked,' Critics Call It 'Disturbing'

Campers who attend the $35 session receive a free kids meal, T-shirt, and name tag.

Business News

U.S. Supreme Court will not hear opposition to $2.5bn Tribal deal

The U.S. Supreme Court will not listen to opposition towards a $2.5bn gambling deal made by the state of Florida and the Seminole Tribe. Monday heard the last fleeting plead...


A Leader's Guide to Boosting Employee Engagement and Motivation

Discussing the importance of employee engagement and motivation for an organization's success and effective strategies for enhancing them.


'Don't Just Give Out the Work -- Do the Work': How This Women's Healthcare CEO Leads With Passion

Kathy Lee-Sepsick, CEO of Femasys, emphasizes preparedness, balance, and self-care as the core of visionary leadership.

Growing a Business

I Recently Rebranded My Entire Company — Here are 12 Strategies I Learned to Take My Brand to the Next Level

Rebrands represent an incredible opportunity for growing brands to ensure their visual identity and overall brand experience accurately reflect their values and positioning.

Thought Leaders

I've Coached Many Successful Entrepreneurs — Here are 7 Lessons I've Learned Along the Way

The path to success varies widely among those who pursue it, yet it's bound by a few common practices. From writing down goals to prioritizing well-being, achieving a richer, more fulfilling life extends far beyond financial wealth.

Business News

U.S. Surgeon General Says It's Time to Put a Warning Sign on Social Media

The label would act as a reminder that social media has health consequences.

Business Solutions

Get the Best Jobs with a Lifetime of Powerful AI Tools for Just $80

Create killer cover letters and resumes, then sharpen your interview answers using powerful career tools that are powered by artificial intelligence.