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Business News

A Cult-Favorite Theater Chain Is Reportedly Looking For a Buyer After Emerging From Bankruptcy

Alamo Drafthouse Cinema currently has 41 theaters in 13 U.S. states — and more are on the way.


3 Ways to Nurture the Entrepreneurial Spirit in Your Children

Entrepreneurship is becoming the chosen career path for many young individuals. Here are three things you can do as a parent to recognize and encourage this entrepreneurial spirit in your child.

Thought Leaders

These Are the Five Attributes of Highly Successful and Happy People

If you'd like to be happier or more successful this year, then ask yourself if you're truly exuding these five attributes. The happiest and most successful people I know execute on these game-changers exceptionally well.

Side Hustle

This Mom Started a Side Hustle After a 'Shocking' Realization in the Toy Aisle. Her Product Was in Macy's Within the Year — Seeing Nearly $350,000 in Sales.

Elenor Mak, now founder of Jilly Bing, didn't plan to start a business — but the search for a doll that looked like her daughter inspired her to do just that.

Side Hustle

These Are the 10 Best States for Starting a Side Hustle, New Research Reveals

One side hustle might not be as lucrative as another — and location matters.

Health & Wellness

Your Business Will Always Require Most of Your Attention — But You Need to Make Time for Yourself, Too. Here's How.

Armed with these ideas and tactics, you can return to your work refreshed and motivated to tackle even the most complex problems.

Starting a Business

I Wish I Received This Advice as a Young Entrepreneur

Starting your own business is one of entrepreneurs' most challenging experiences. But, with the proper guidance, it can be among the most rewarding. Here's advice I wish I'd received when I was starting out.

Side Hustle

I Started a Semi-Passive Side Hustle That Earns $33,000 a Week on Amazon: 'Selling There Is a No-Brainer'

Dr. Jenny Woo wanted to create a product that would help people connect, and it turned out to be a lucrative one.