Money & Finance - Page 8

Money on your mind? From side hustles to cryptocurrencies, there are many ways of making money. See tips on how to make money and details on financing options.

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Starting a Business

This Black Founder Was Denied a Business Loan and Set Out to Prove the 'Gatekeepers' Wrong. He's Made More Than $500,000 So Far — But It's Just the Beginning.

Rob Gooljar, founder of IRIS blossom, started an Instagram account to share his love of floral arrangements — then the requests started rolling in.

Business News

'These People Didn't Do Anything Wrong,' But Their Standard of Living Might Plummet in Retirement — Here's Why

Most American workers feel behind where they think they should be on their retirement savings.

Money & Finance

Don't Fall Victim to Rental Fraud. Adopt These Smart Practices to Prevent This From Happening to You.

It's easier than ever for scammers to commit rental fraud. Real estate investors must adopt these smart and savvy practices to protect themselves.

Money & Finance

There's One Thing More Valuable Than Profit In This Game-Changing Economy

This movement has proven its potential to create a positive impact on the world at large.

Business News

Gen Z, Millennials Have Gained More Wealth Than Gen X, Boomers Since 2019 Thanks to This Popular Personal Finance Move

The younger generations received larger stimulus checks during the pandemic — and put them to work.

Growing a Business

The No. 1 Priority for Small Businesses This Year Is to Increase Revenue — Here Are 4 Ways to Do Just That.

Success can be measured differently by different people, but regardless of how you view success, setting a goal and understanding revenue targets for your business can help in planning for and achieving a fruitful year ahead. Here's how.

Money & Finance

5 Proven Ways to Maximize Your Profitability as a First-Time Author

Unlock the secrets to turning your debut book into a profitable venture with proven marketing tactics.

Side Hustle

These Are the Highest-Paying Side Hustles for a Single Day of Work

Earn the most money in the least amount of time.

Buying / Investing in Business

The Difference Between Startup Success and Failure Comes Down to This One Thing

If you want to invest in a startup, look closely at the people behind the curtain. Their personality, skills and innovative prowess will drive a successful business.


Busywork Sucks — How Automation Can Eliminate Boring Tasks for Entrepreneurs

The exhaustion of endless hours grappling with tedious tasks poses a real issue for entrepreneurs. It's time to leverage automation and streamline financial operations for business owners.