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Business News

Department of Justice cracks down on $100 million of narcotics sales online

The United States Department of Justice has cracked down on an illicit enterprise that garnered over $100 million in narcotics sales. Rui-Siang Lin was arrested and will be presented to...

Business News

Iconic chain Red Lobster files for bankruptcy

After several restaurant closures, the iconic seafood chain Red Lobster has gone to the wall. The Middle District of Florida heard the company, Red Lobster Management LLC’s Chapter 11 plea,...

Business News

US inflation takes a dip for the first time in three years

Much to the relief of consumers, especially the Federal Reserve, inflation has fallen for the first time in three years. Reliable statistics from the Labor Department confirm the downward trend...

Business News

Boeing found to have violated $2.5bn settlement agreement

Boeing, the aviation and airplane giant, has been found by the Justice Department to have egregiously violated the terms of a $2.5bn settlement agreement. After fatal crashes in 2018 and...

Business News

Financial quarter closes with a note on small business

The White House heralded National Small Business Week as a busy economic quarter comes to a close. President Biden, a staunch advocate for small businesses, has issued a powerful statement...

Business News

110% Monday surge for GameStop stock

GameStop, the popular gaming and console empire, has seen shares rise by 110%. This surge in the gaming company’s stock since the frenzies heights it hit during the Covid-19 pandemic....