Daniel Todd: Page 2

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
Founder and CEO of Influence Mobile

Daniel Todd is the founder and CEO of Influence Mobile. He is credited with creating a corporate culture that repeatedly won Washington CEO’s and the Puget Sound Business Journal’s “Best Places to Work” awards.

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Greed Ruins Businesses. Here's How Both Employers and Employees Can Combat It.

Many of the problems we face in the business world today stem from greed, either on the employer's end or the employee's end. But to achieve success, greed can't be part of the equation — so here's how to combat it.


The First Step to Creating Healthy Habits Is Smaller Than You Think

We will never wake up one morning and suddenly be the person we've always wanted to be. Changing our habits takes repeated, daily effort.


Should You Hire a Tom Brady or a J.J. Watt? How to Choose the Right Players for Your Culture and Team

Business culture is top of mind for many employees and executives alike. Figuring out the type of culture you want to create can help your team perform at its best.


How a Mentor Can Be Your GPS to Unimaginable Growth and Success

Figuring out your path through your career can be done alone, but a mentor can make your life easier, your next step more apparent and help you grow in ways you never thought of.


What the Movie 'Sliding Doors' Taught Me About Business

We need to learn to catch problems before they start in order to change our business trajectory for the better.


Find Your Flow Through Deep Work and Unlock Your Superpower

Our mindset determines how we view our lives. Many people discount how changing the way we approach work can change our lives, but when you feel fulfilled by your work and can enter a flow state at will, you've gained a superpower.

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