Career - Page 8

It's time to take control of your career. From freelancing strategies to negotiation tactics and more, learn everything you need to know for success, here.

Business Culture

How to Build a Workplace Community Where Everyone Thrives

Hiring for cultural fit is the best way to create a mutual partnership between employer and employee.

Side Hustle

This Mom Started a Side Hustle After a 'Shocking' Realization in the Toy Aisle. Her Product Was in Macy's Within the Year — Seeing Nearly $350,000 in Sales.

Elenor Mak, now founder of Jilly Bing, didn't plan to start a business — but the search for a doll that looked like her daughter inspired her to do just that.

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Business News

I Got a $40K Raise Using This 30-Second Strategy. It Made Me Realize Loud Work, Not Hard Work, Always Wins.

This "lazy girl strategy" isn't about being lazy — it's about working louder, not harder.

Side Hustle

These Are the 10 Best States for Starting a Side Hustle, New Research Reveals

One side hustle might not be as lucrative as another — and location matters.

Business News

An Engineer Who Landed a $300,000 Job at Google Shares the Résumé that Got Him in the Door — and 3 Things He'd Change on It Today

Gaba now works in Google's Seattle office as a software engineer. He has received offers from Meta, Amazon, and Uber.

Starting a Business

I Wish I Received This Advice as a Young Entrepreneur

Starting your own business is one of entrepreneurs' most challenging experiences. But, with the proper guidance, it can be among the most rewarding. Here's advice I wish I'd received when I was starting out.

Side Hustle

I Started a Semi-Passive Side Hustle That Earns $33,000 a Week on Amazon: 'Selling There Is a No-Brainer'

Dr. Jenny Woo wanted to create a product that would help people connect, and it turned out to be a lucrative one.

Starting a Business

They Grew Up in a Financially-Challenged Single-Parent Home and Now These Twins Run a Multimillion-Dollar Real Estate Business. Here's How They Turned Hardship Into Inspiration.

How Jeremy and Joshua Mathis overcame adversity and turned their challenging upbringing into a foundation for real estate success.

Side Hustle

This Gen Zer's Stylish Side Hustle Earns About $20,000 a Month and Paid Off His Parents' $200,000 Debt: 'I Enjoy the Hands-Off Nature'

Ray Cao went from working as a barista for $8 an hour to being a successful seller on online marketplace StockX.

Thought Leaders

Want to Attract Success? Don't Do These 9 Things

We are constantly told what to do if we want success — but what about the habits to avoid?

Starting a Business

I Was a 25-Year-Old Nurse When I Started a Side Hustle to Combat Anxiety. It Made $1 Million in 7 Months — Then Sold for a Life-Changing Amount.

Sarah Michelle Boes knew there had to be a better way to prepare for her stress-inducing nurse practitioner's exam — so she created it.

Side Hustle

4 Simple Mistakes That Can Crush Your Creative Side Hustle, From an Expert Who Raised $45 Million to Support Independent Workers

Ben Huffman, CEO and co-founder of Contra, became a "power user" on Elance and Odesk (now Upwork) and realized freelancers needed more support.