Branding - Page 9

From personal branding or corporate business branding, entrepreneurs know a strong branding strategy and design are imperative to success. Learn more, here.

Social Media

9 Steps for Building a Reputation Management Plan That Wins Customers and Gives You an Edge

Your company's reputation is its most valuable asset. Learn how to build a strategy to protect it.


Entrepreneur+ Subscribers-Only Event | November 14: Meet the CEO Who Innovated the Way Consumer Brands Interact with Customers

Meet OLIPOP's CEO, Ben Goodwin, as he walks us through his bubbly approach to formulating authenticity and formulating soda. Learn about his journey and gather his insights — so you, too, can create a genuine brand that connects with others.


This Gen-Z Inspired Company Started at Zero — Here's How It Became a Pepsi Competitor On Track for $200 Million in Revenue

OLIPOP was founded in 2018 and is a health-conscious surrounding soda. We met with their CEO to talk about insights and trends to make authentic brands.

Operations & Logistics

Waiting For a PR Crisis Is Like Wearing a Bullseye On Your Back. Here Are Some Proactive Steps You Can Take That Could Save Your Brand.

A PR misstep or outright crisis is becoming increasingly common. Regardless of the years open, entrepreneurs, startups and businesses must start preparing and building a solid public reputation for their companies. Reputations can be threatened or severely damaged instantly, and likely out of no fault of your own. Prepare now.

More Posts on Branding

Business Ideas

The Story Behind Splay, a Revolutionary 2-in-1 Monitor and Projector That Folds Up Like an Umbrella

Arovia CEO and co-founder Alexander Wesley discusses how his company developed this groundbreaking tech.

Business News

Kim Kardashian's Skims Is Making Underwear for Men — But the $4 Billion Brand Could Soon Announce Even Bigger News

Items in the new men's line, which includes undershirts and leggings, range from $16 to $54.


How Diagnosing Your Brand Through the Metaphor of Mental Health Can Help You Get Unstuck

Explore how mental health metaphors like schizophrenia, anxiety and depression can illuminate your understanding of your brand, providing actionable insights to elevate your company's clarity and confidence.


Want to Attract Diverse Talent? You Need to Work on Your Employer Brand — Here's Why.

How your business shows up on social media and everywhere else online is a critical piece of your strategy for attracting new potential employees. One of the first things potential employees do when considering your business as a possible employer is look at your online presence. The question that they're trying to answer is: Who are you and what do you stand for?

Science & Technology

How to Preserve Your Brand's Humanity in the Era of AI

Businesses are delving deeper and deeper into AI. How can you avoid losing your company's humanness while still getting the benefit of AI innovations? These three strategies will help you keep your brand humanity strong.

Starting a Business

5 Inventors Share The Secret They Wish They'd Known When Developing Their Products. Now Their Brands Sell Millions.

Founders and designers of cookware, boxed wine, soda brands and more share what they know now, and wish they'd known before taking their product to market.

Science & Technology

How Generative AI Will Revolutionize The Future of Your Brand

Artificial intelligence has disrupted many traditional ways of graphic design, and it can be harnessed to revolutionize the future of your company. be apart of it What this means for the future

Operations & Logistics

Supercharge Your Brand Awareness with These Game-Changing PR Tools

If you want a strong brand presence — and therefore more loyal customers — you need to unlock the power of two specific components of a public relations strategy.


How a Strong Personal Brand Can Justify Charging a Premium

A strong personal brand enhances the ability to charge premium prices by elevating perceived value and exclusivity and plays a crucial role in amplifying PR efforts, standing out in a saturated market, and establishing credibility and opportunities across various industries.


Want to Improve Your Brand's Storytelling? Shift Your POV to Tell a Better Narrative. Here's How.

In a crowded digital media environment of voluntary engagement, brand storytelling isn't enough to grab attention. You must approach the story from the right perspective — your customer's.


Trust Should Be the Foundation of Your Business — Here's How to Earn It.

Here are five areas entrepreneurs and business leaders should tackle and invest more in to fuel a reputation for being incredibly reliable, which will help you drive greater customer trust, loyalty and success.