
Business News

Adobe Photoshop Users Are Outraged at the Company's New Terms: 'Am I Reading This Right?'

Adobe's new terms and conditions have creatives in an uproar.

Business News

Using AI to Promote Your Business? New TikTok Labels Will Let Everyone Know

AI-generated content from OpenAI, Microsoft, and even Google, will soon be clearly labeled on TikTok.

Business News

Adobe's Firefly Image Generator Was Partially Trained on AI Images From Midjourney, Other Rivals

Adobe gave bonus payments to people who contributed to the Adobe Stock database to train its AI, even those who submitted AI-generated images.

Growing a Business

Train Your Design Team with This Adobe Creative Cloud Course Bundle, Only $24.97

Study Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, and more.

Business News

Salesforce or Abobe? The choice is undeniably clear

As the markets get drunk on their excitement over technology stocks, a few cracks begin to show, play this arbitrage deal on Salesforce against Adobe


Project Primrose: el vestido de Adobe que cambia de diseño y de color con los movimientos del usuario

El proyecto abre múltiples posibilidades de uso y aplicaciones y significa una revolución en el mundo de los "wearables".

News and Trends

Adobe's Co-Founder John Warnock Dies At 82

Dr. Warnock co-founded Adobe in 1982 with Dr. Charles Geschke after meeting as colleagues at Xerox


Firefly, la herramienta de Adobe impulsada por la inteligencia artificial, supera los 1,000 millones de imágenes creadas

Adobe amplía el servicio de la herramienta a 100 distintos idiomas. La incorporación de esta tecnología promete potenciar aún más la creatividad de los usuarios y abrir nuevas posibilidades en el ámbito del diseño digital.

Growing a Business

Try Adobe Creative Apps and Score Courses on Your Favorites for Just $39.99

Save more than $300 on this Adobe Creative bundle that comes with courses on the popular apps.

Science & Technology

Enjoy All the Adobe Creative Cloud Apps for Just $29.99 for Three Months

Master Photoshop and all of Adobe's other Creative Cloud apps for a record low price.


26 Adobe Creative Cloud Apps Only Cost $29.99 a Month With This Deal

Get the whole Adobe Creative Cloud app set plus 100GB of cloud storage.

Business News

Adobe: From creative kingpin to AI pioneer?

Adobe's fiscal success clashes with regulatory concerns and divergent analyst views, spotlighting its financial prowess and uncertain future.


Learn Adobe Creative Cloud for a Prime Day Price

Grab a nine-course bundle you won't find anywhere else for just $20 for a limited time.


Adobe habló sobre el temor de los artistas a que la inteligencia artificial los deje sin trabajo

La empresa creadora de programas como Photoshop e Illustrator se pronunció en torno a la inteligencia artificial. ¿Qué dijo?