Abhishek Bhuyan

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Business News

3 Small-Cap Stocks With Big Potential

Despite the associated risks, such as volatility, small-cap stocks with high-growth potential remain an attractive choice due to their outsized returns; thus, it could be prudent to consider adding strong...

Business News

3 Utility Stocks Offering Reliable Dividends

The utility sector's defensive nature makes it popular among investors. In addition, the move to renewable energy, tech improvements, and grid modernization will fuel its long-term growth. Therefore, investors could...

Business News

Which Travel Stock Holds Long-Term Value: American Airlines (AAL) vs. Boeing (BA)

The airline industry's strong growth this year is fueled by its rebound from COVID-19, robust passenger and cargo demand, and technological advancements despite facing challenges such as pilot shortages and...

Business News

3 Telecom Gems for Portfolio Diversification

The telecom industry is poised for significant expansion, driven by rising demand for high-speed connectivity, ongoing innovations, and the rapid growth of 5G networks. Therefore, for portfolio diversification, investors could...

Business News

3 Biotech Stocks to Jumpstart Your Portfolio Gains

The biotech industry is poised for robust growth due to increasing demand for personalized treatments, rising prevalence of chronic diseases, heightened investments in R&D, and advancements in technology. Therefore, investors...

Business News

BABA and SOHU - Why These 2 China Stocks Are Hot Picks for 2024

The rise in online services and e-commerce bodes well for China's economic outlook in 2024 and beyond. Many experts are optimistic about this trend. Moreover, the potential fiscal reform in...

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