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Business News

Jobs Report shows positive signs for the U.S. economy and Fed

The U.S. Department of Labor has released its long-awaited Jobs Report. The Federal Reserve had investors on high alert for much of an unknown April as indicators pointed toward a...

Business News

Google layoffs hit hundreds as company outsources work to other countries

Google’s decision to lay off hundreds of U.S. employees in favor of cheaper international alternatives and AI is likely to spark further headcount reductions. The company, owned by Alphabet, made...

Business News

Stock market banishes Fed rate hike worries

The stock market’s display today banished worries that the Federal Reserve would hit Wall St with a rate hike. The governmental body released the FOMC statement and the following implementation...

Business News

Interest rates remain unchanged due to a ‘lack of progress’ on 2% inflation according to Fed

The Federal Reserve, as the authoritative body, has announced that interest rates will remain unchanged due to a “lack of progress” in bringing inflation down. The government body published a...

Business News

Binance founder jailed for four months

A Seattle federal judge has held the founder of Binance accountable for his part in an elaborate money laundering scheme. Changpeng Zhao pleaded guilty to the charges held against him...

Business News

Tesla and Musk announce more Spring layoffs

Elon Musk’s month has gone from bad to worse as Tesla has informed staff that layoffs are imminent. In an all-staff email, first reported by The Information, the electric automotive...