Deanna Ritchie

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Business News

How to Create a Summer Schedule for Children (That Everyone Will Enjoy)

Nothing makes kids happier than summer break. After all, it’s the end of routines and the beginning of endless possibilities. However, it can also force parents to fight endless battles...

Business News

Seize the Day! 50 Unforgettable Summer Activities

With summer just around the corner, it’s time to escape the routine, immerse yourself in the great outdoors, soak up some sun, and make memories that will last a lifetime....

Business News

Fridays: Recharge, Refocus, and Rule the Week Ahead

Who doesn’t love Fridays? Even just the word conjures up images of relaxing, escaping the office grind, and plunging headfirst into the weekend. It’s the day Robert Smith of The...

Business News

Taming the Thought Tornado: How to Conquer Overthinking

How often does your brain feel like it’s whirling with “what ifs?”? Do you struggle to sleep because you keep replaying past conversations and analyzing every detail? It’s okay if...

Business News

The Thriving Leader: Steps to Mental Wellness and Peak Effectiveness

The weight of leadership can be immense. Even the most resilient individual can be worn down by long hours, demanding decisions, and endless pressure. In fact, a UKG study found...

Business News

The Disengaged Prospect: Engaging B2B Customers in a Digital-First World

The B2B sales process has undoubtedly changed in recent years due to technological and economic shifts. Cold calls and lengthy in-person meetings, once the cornerstones of B2B enterprise business development,...

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