Emily Reynolds Bergh: Page 2

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
Founder at R Public Relations Firm

Emily Reynolds Bergh — vintage-shoe hoarder, cycling junkie, & lover of pink drinks — is a marketing & PR pro with 15+ years of experience under her belt. Now the founder & owner of the award-winning R Public Relations based in New York, she’s been featured in numerous publications & podcasts.

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4 Honest Truths That Will Make You a Better Boss

When the buck stops with you, you've got to be prepared for all that entails — both sucking up the losses and sharing the wins. There's nothing you can physically do to train for this inevitability; rather, it's a mental exercise of reframing that will maintain your balance as the boss.

Thought Leaders

How Can a Working Mother Be Successful These Days? 6 Strategies for Success as an Entrepreneur and Parent

In a perfect world, being a parent and being a business owner wouldn't conflict with each other. But the world is far from perfect, so this busy mother of five had to reenvision and redefine what it means to her to succeed in her two most important roles.


Trabajas, trabajas (y trabajas) y no logras terminar — he aquí 6 formas de manejar tu abrumadora carga laboral

A pesar de las comodidades modernas del trabajo remoto y de los horarios flexibles, las cargas laborales en realidad no están disminuyendo. De hecho, en especial para los dueños de un negocio, el volumen con frecuencia es abrumador.

Thought Leaders

You Work, You Work (and You Work), Yet You're Still Not Getting Everything Done — Here's 6 Ways to Handle Your Overwhelming Workload

Despite the modern conveniences of remote work and flexible hours, workloads aren't actually getting any lighter. In fact, for business owners especially, the volume is often overwhelming.


5 Key Elements of Selling Your Brand to the Media

Having a solid brand and getting your brand publicized are two distinct things. Here are insights on how to increase your chances of garnering your brand's media coverage.

Thought Leaders

Beware the Client from Hell — 4 Strategies to Salvage Your Client Relationships

When your clients make your life miserable, you have to decide if it's worth redirecting the relationship or just cutting ties and moving on.