John Rampton

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Business News

50 Inexpensive Date Ideas to Impress Your Significant Other While Saving Money

As we all know, romance isn’t always about fancy dinners and expensive excursions. Nevertheless, the typical American spent $3,025.12 on dating in 2023, according to OnePoll in collaboration with LELO’s...

Business News

The 15 Best Books for Retirement Planning

When you think of retirement, what comes to mind? Are you looking forward to a time of freedom, relaxation, and pursuing your passions? Regardless of what springs to mind, some...

Business News

17 Costly Retirement Investing Mistakes: Protecting Your Golden Years

We picture retirement as a time for relaxation, travel, and hobbies. Without a great deal of planning, however, this idyllic picture can quickly go south. While numerous factors play a...

Business News

Retirement Savings: How Much Do You Really Need in Each State in the U.S.

For many of us, the thought of retiring can be stressful and even daunting. The first step towards retirement is understanding how much money you need. Despite the fact that...

Business News

The Unfiltered Truth: Financial Independence’s Dark Side (and How to Navigate It)

In the world of personal finance, financial independence (FI) is the ultimate goal. For many, it suggests escaping the daily grind and sipping margaritas on a beach. In reality, though,...

Business News

Exploring the Wisdom of the Tightwad Gazette

In an era of rising costs and economic uncertainty, the timeless principles of frugality are more relevant than ever. However, in the world of frugality — one name stands out:...

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