John Rampton: Page 3

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® VIP
Entrepreneur and Connector

John Rampton is an entrepreneur, investor and startup enthusiast. He is the founder of the calendar productivity tool Calendar.

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Latest: Page 3


Are Job Titles Losing Their Meaning? How Job-Title Inflation Could Damage Your Future Career.

When a job title is upgraded without raising the associated responsibilities and requirements, this is called job title inflation.


Should You Accept a Promotion Without a Raise? Here's What Experts Say.

You can learn to navigate this tricky situation and see what your next steps should be.

Science & Technology

'Mindless Scrolling Has Become an Epidemic:' Here Are 11 Ways to Cut Back Your Screentime That Actually Work.

The epidemic of mindless scrolling has become a part of our everyday lives. Thankfully, there are methods for reducing this bad habit.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

10 'Old School' Employee Expectations That Will Die Out With Gen Z

Gen Z has made it clear they are here to shake up the workforce and won't bow to the idea of traditionalism.

Health & Wellness

13 Ways to Beat End-of-Summer Burnout Without Using PTO

At this time of year, we all know we should wear hats and sunblock. But what about other burns, like end-of-summer burnout?


10 Best Entrepreneurial Events To Attend Before 2023 Is Over

As we head into the latter half of 2023, there's still a great chance for you to get involved in some exciting startup events.