Taylor Sohns MBA, CIMA®, CFP®: Page 2

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Business News

Understanding the impending social security crisis

The alarm bells are ringing, and it’s time for American workers to pay attention. As a certified financial planner, I’m here to share a critical warning that comes directly from...

Business News

Decoding America’s escalating debt crisis

The United States is currently in the throes of a staggering $34 trillion debt crisis, which has economists, policymakers, and the general public engaged in heated debates. The country’s debt-to-Gross...

Business News

Dominance of the ‘Magnificent Seven’ Stocks

Seven stocks have emerged as the dominant forces in finance and investment, earning the moniker “The Magnificent Seven.” These stocks belong to Apple, Meta (formerly Facebook), Google, Tesla, Microsoft, Amazon,...

Business News

Understanding the U.S. government’s debt cycle

The United States, like any other country, operates on a budget. This budget is a balance between income and expenses. The income primarily comes from individual and corporate taxes, while...

Business News

Mastering your financial journey into retirement

Retirement is a significant milestone in one’s life, marking the end of a long journey of work and the beginning of a new phase of relaxation and leisure. However, the...

Business News

Fed’s warning stirs stagflation concerns

The Federal Reserve, the central banking system of the United States, recently issued a warning that has sent ripples through the financial world. The message, delivered by Jerome Powell, the...