Glass Block Installations

Startup Costs: Under $2,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? No
Online Operation? No

Glass block is back in vogue for two reasons. The first: having glass block windows installed is a cost-effective way to beautify your home and add real designer flair. The second reason is that installing glass block into basement window areas is a great way to let the light shine in, and a the same time burglar proof windows. Starting your own glass block installation service does not require a lot in terms of investment or expertise. Almost all home improvement centers will now make up glass block on a custom order basis to fit any size opening. However, the installation techniques still do require some experience, but this can be self-taught starting with your home, or a friend or relative's home. One thing is for sure; it does not appear as though glass block windows will be falling from popularity any time soon.

Glass Block Installations Ideas

Wood Furniture Refinishing

Make that old furniture you love look like new again, or build a new piece altogether.

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