
Startup Costs: Under $2,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? Yes

'Wanted: craftspeople to build custom-designed mailboxes. Flexible homebased work hours and a wage of $20 per hour offered.' If this is the type of employment advertisement that would attract you, then why not start your own mailbox manufacturing business? The business can be launched on an initial investment of less than $500 and operated on a part- or full-time basis from home. The completed mailboxes can be sold on a wholesale basis to retailers or directly to consumers via a booth at a busy weekend flea market or craft show. Remember the financial goal of operating a business does not always mean that you necessarily desire a $100,000 per year income. Sometimes just the fact that you are making a few extra dollars operating your own business is all the financial reward and personal satisfaction you need.

Mailboxes Ideas


The road to success may be lit with a welding business.

Outdoor Bicycle Racks

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