Business Process - Page 8

Whether you're struggling to find business processes that work or want to fine-tune the ones you have in place, read on for essential sales, content and management strategies.


If You Want to be Successful, Become a Better Speaker — Follow This 7-Step Process for Effective Speaking

Discover the transformative power of mastering presentation skills with this 7-step process.


You Can Fear It and Still Use It — Why Are So Many American Workers Shy About AI?

A recent study has revealed a worrying trend: American workers use artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-enabled tools less than their counterparts in other countries — far less.


99% of Investor Pitches End in Failure. Here's How to Make Sure You're Part of the 1% That Succeed.

If you can't get investors to bite on your business, it may be because of one of these seven issues. Here's what they are and how you can avoid them.

Growing a Business

6 Reasons Why You Need to Attend Marketing Conferences

One of the most exciting parts of attending a marketing conference is the opportunity to break from the norm.

More Posts on Business Process


Chef Says This Is the No. 1 Thing That Makes a Restaurant Successful or Not

Chef, coach and entrepreneur Christian Fischer reveals the vital ingredient for restaurant success.

Business Solutions

3 Ways to Achieve Cohesion Across Your Organization's Cybersecurity

Simplicity and cohesion are the keys to a better security experience.


Don't Leave Money on the Table — How to Find Out If You're Underpricing Your Products (and What to Do About It)

Studies show most incorrectly priced products are priced too low. Learn to bridge the gap between actual and perceived value, identify maximum customer willingness-to-pay and adopt metric-based pricing for increased profitability.


Ground Floor to Sky High — The Unmatched Potential of Investing in Emerging Franchises

Every global business started with one store or restaurant. To get the best possible compounded returns on their investment, franchisees should consider emerging brands, which offer more support and growth potential at much lower costs.

Operations & Logistics

I've Worked Remotely For Over 20 Years — 5 Common Mistakes Companies Make When It Comes to Remote Operations

Standard operating procedures (SOPs) unite employees and give them direction within a company, and when working remotely, it is extra important to not make these mistakes when it comes to them.


This Revenue Hack Can Increase Your Small Business Earnings by up to 30%

In today's dynamic and competitive business landscape, expanding revenue streams is a vital growth strategy. By diversifying income sources and offering innovative services, businesses can bolster profitability while enhancing their ability to adapt to market trends.

Starting a Business

These Four Words Can Change The Way You Approach Every Impossible Task

When a door closes, this is the question that opens a window.


7 Common But Ineffective Business Strategies You Need to Be Aware of

Because strategy centers on making choices, every business has a strategy. Here are seven common but ineffective strategies — and how to make better choices.

Growing a Business

Big Businesses Take Forever to Pay Their Small Suppliers. These Founders Did Something About It: 'Nobody Had Seen Anything Like This'

When their first company failed because major retailers took so long to pay, Stacey Abrams and Lara Hodgson couldn't accept the status quo. So they built NowAccount, a novel solution that lets small businesses get paid right away. Turns out, big businesses love it too.

Growing a Business

Reputation Management Starts Before Your First Bad Review — Here's How to Develop a Proactive Crisis Plan

Reputation management should not be an afterthought or a reactive measure. Use these tips to prepare for a crisis before it hits.

Business Plans

Outsource or DIY? 6 Signs It's Time for Virtual Assistance for Your Business

When you start feeling overwhelmed and can't focus on strategic work, it's time to outsource non-core tasks to virtual assistants.