Business Models - Page 5

Not sure what business model is right for you? Learn about the different types of business models from subscriptions to franchises and how to create your own.

Business Models

This is the Real Secret to Success — How to Lead Even When You Are Losing

Everybody likes to win. Nobody likes to lose. But what teaches you more? As in, which experience does more for us—personally and also professionally speaking?

Business Models

How To Choose the Right Funding Model for Your Startup

Choosing the right funding model for your startup is a pivotal decision that requires careful consideration.


Adapting to Change Is Key to Surviving Every Consumer Demand — Just Ask Netflix, Blockbuster, WeWork and More

Many businesses have closed down because they did not spot major changes and failed to adapt to the new reality. Don't let yours be one of them by learning from history.

Business Process

If You Don't Learn How to Pivot Your Business, You'll Watch It Perish — Here's What a Successful Pivot Looks Like.

Changing your business strategy to meet shifting market demands isn't bad. When done carefully, it can transform your company into something extraordinary.

More Posts on Business Models


Why Chick-fil-A is the Best Fast-Food Concept But an Average Franchise Opportunity, According to One Industry Expert

Discover the secrets behind Chick-fil-A's phenomenal success as a fast-food giant and why its franchise model, while unique, may not fit every entrepreneur's vision.


If You Sell Anything Online in 2024, Make Sure You Take These 5 Steps

With shoppers craving connection, retailers that make the human touch part of their ecommerce play could find themselves rewarded.

Growing a Business

5 Phrases That Kill Your Chances of Receiving Funding

Startup founders are not always aware of how investors interpret specific commonplace phrases. Sometimes, a phrase a founder believes can increase their chances of raising money gives an investor a reason not to invest. These are five such phrases that founders should reconsider using.


5 PR Tips Any Company Can Use to Get Media Coverage

You went into business to make an impact — here's how to get visibility for your work, so you can benefit more people.

Starting a Business

7 Ways to Fund Your Startup in 2024

Remember that businesses like Grammarly, Spanx, TOMS shoes, YouTube, and Apple were once small businesses, too. So, while the journey may be challenging, it's worth working for!

Business News

Read Target's '15-Minute Rule' That Workers Say Led to a Rash of Firings Over Stanley Cups

The store employee handbook simply says that workers "cannot use their status to gain an unfair advantage over guests when it comes to purchasing merchandise."

Starting a Business

Why Indonesia Is Becoming the Next Serious Player in Entrepreneurship

These four insights are providing a roadmap for success in Indonesia's diverse and challenging business environment.

Side Hustle

These Sisters Started a Side Hustle After a 'Light Bulb' Moment Standing in Line for Coffee — Now Their Business Has Done $100 Million in Total Sales

Elise Whang's and Emily Erkel's respective careers in law and retail strategy consulting provided crucial skills for establishing and growing LePrix, an innovative platform for luxury resale.

Starting a Business

4 Launch Strategies for Startup Success and Longevity

With these strategies, startups can create a loyal customer base that supports their brand for decades.

Side Hustle

The Sweet Side Hustle She Started 'On a Whim' Turned Into a $20,000-a-Month Income Stream: 'It's Simple, It's Affordable and It's Fun'

It was the summer of 2015 when Katherine O'Brien, founder of Cream Cruiser and Bike Business University, decided to launch her own business.


The Unorthodox Communication Model That Can Better Align Your Company's Values

Thinking in circles isn't usually a good thing — until now.