George Deeb: Page 5

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® VIP
Managing Partner at Red Rocket Ventures

George Deeb is the managing partner at Red Rocket Ventures, a consulting firm helping early-stage businesses with their growth strategies, marketing and financing needs. He is the author of three books including 101 Startup Lessons -- An Entrepreneur's Handbook.

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Latest: Page 5

Resumes & Interviewing

You Get the Talent That You Pay For

Don't think cheap with your talent decisions -- think the best.

Growing a Business

A Secret Tactic for Quick Growth: The Roll-up

Sometimes your company's strategic growth can be achieved most quickly by merging with several others at once. Here, let us walk you through that.

Science & Technology

You Can't Expand While Your House Is on Fire

Some steps you just don't get to skip, like having a product that works as advertised, at a cost that makes economic sense.

Resumes & Interviewing

Personality Tests: Helpful Tool or Lazy Shortcut?

Just as a map is not the territory, neither is a personality type the person you're hiring. Be a team builder, not a exam proctor.


Sales Not Closing? Know When to Panic!

The longer your product's sales cycle, the more important it is to measure progress along the way.

Business Process

Stop Selling the 'What' and Start Selling the 'Why'

What your product can deliver may thrill you and your team, but your customers want to know why it matters to them.