Kiara Taylor

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Business News

Constructing a Dividend Portfolio — A Low-risk Approach for Passive Income

Dividends have long been a crucial component of stock market returns, often accounting for a significant portion of total gains. Historical data shows that dividends have contributed around one-third of...

Business News

Balancing Retirement Planning and the Cost of Education

Saving for retirement and funding your children’s education can be a real challenge for many families. On one hand, you want to ensure you have enough money for a comfortable...

Business News

Rethinking Retirement: Gen X’s Approach to Semi-Retirement and Freelancing

Gen X often gets overlooked — stuck between the large and culturally significant cohort that the Baby Boomers are on one end and the natural spotlight that the rapid expansion...

Business News

The Silver Economy: Unveiling Investment Opportunities in Aging Populations

The global demographic landscape is undergoing a profound transformation. As life expectancies extend and birth rates decline in many parts of the world, the proportion of the elderly population is...

Business News

Social Security Decoded: Maximizing Social Security Benefits for Your Ideal Retirement

Social Security is a vital piece of the retirement puzzle for millions of Americans. It provides a safety net for retirees, survivors, and even disabled individuals. But let’s face it:...

Business News

Your Blueprint for Tax-Efficient Golden Years

After spending decades diligently saving and investing for retirement, it's now time to turn your attention to what you always dreamt of — relaxing, pursuing your passions, and enjoying the...

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