Business Directories

Startup Costs: $10,000 - $50,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? No
Online Operation? Yes

Manufacturers, charity organizations, business organizations, wholesalers, printers, publishers, home based businesses, tour operators and engineering professionals are only a few examples of the numerous business directories that can be created by a desktop publishing or internet business that specializes in developing business directories. Generally, revenues are earned in two ways in this type of business. The first is to charge companies, organizations and individuals a fee to be listed and featured in the directory, and the second way to earn revenues is to sell the directories to companies, organizations and individuals who are seeking these types of business directories for information, marketing and resource purposes.

Business Directories Ideas

Graphic Design

Take your flair for design and start a business.

Transcript Service

A transcript service is unique, homebased and can generate a good income. How else should we spell it out for you?

Jingle Writer

Don't let a lifetime of watching and listening to commercials go to waste--use your knowledge to make money for yourself.

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