Flying School

Startup Costs: $100,000 +
Franchises Available? No
Online Operation? No

The wide availability and relatively low cost of small prop and ultralight airplanes is fueling a craze for people wanting to learn how to fly a plane. And starting a flying school is the best way to capitalize on this craze. Without question, there are a lot of hurdles, both financial and regulatory, to overcome when considering starting a flying school as a new business venture. However, the long-term rewards can be well worth the effort if starting this type of instruction business has always been a personal dream. In addition to generating revenue for the business from training students, small airplanes and pilots are in high demand for the film industry and are commanding as much as $1,500 per day for supplying themselves and the planes for film work. Additional considerations for starting a flying school will also be location, liability insurance, equipment, and marketing. Good luck and let me know how you are doing.

Flying School Ideas

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