Lawn Ornament Sales

Startup Costs: $2,000 - $10,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? Yes

Not only are lawn decorations easy to make, they're also easy products to sell. Combining these two facts creates a wonderful opportunity to start a business that manufactures and sells lawn ornaments. The first step will be to purchase or make the molds required for manufacturing the ornaments. The rest is very straightforward: Simply practice making and painting lawn ornaments until you're satisfied with the finished product. Next, you'll be ready to start making money. Lawn ornaments are currently retailing in the range of $25 to $100 each, depending on the size and style of the item, and the profit potential is excellent as it only costs about $5 in material to produce the average sized precast lawn ornament. The lawn decorations can be sold on a wholesale basis to retailers, or you can sell them directly to consumers right from your own front yard.

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