Online Nanny Service

Startup Costs: $10,000 - $50,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? No
Online Operation? Yes

Operating your own home based nanny placement service can be a magnificent way to build a prosperous business. Nanny services are in high demand, and busy parents often have no choice but to pay the costs associated with having a nanny care for their children. There are three major roles to be filled by a nanny service. The first, locating parents who are seeking the services of a professional nanny. The second role is that of an employment screener. You will want to carefully look at all the nannies resumes and carry out reference and background checks to make sure they're suitable candidates. The third role is simple: place qualified nannies with parents who seek their services. There are various ways to charge for nanny services. The simplest and most straightforward is a one-time fee paid by the parents. There are other options, such as a percentage of the nanny's wages, but this can be complicated and even lead to potential liability situations. Additionally, by far the best way to bring these parties together is to operate this business as an online venture. Nannies and parents seeking nannies would meet via chat rooms on the site and discuss their qualifications and needs. This service will require careful planning and research to develop a user-friendly site that can return profits.

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