Life Hacks - Page 9

A good life hack makes everything better. Whether you're looking to boost your creativity and productivity, or just want to simplify your day, find ways to make it all easier here.

Business News

This Obscure Product Gained Viral TikTok Fame and Soared to $125 Million in Sales — But 'Steering the Cult' Can Be 'a Little Scary'

Sophie Hinchliffe's social media influence transformed The Pink Stuff from little-known cleaning paste to household name.


Casey Adams Breaks Down the 75 Hard Challenge and How It Can Unleash Discipline and Gratitude in Your Life

Entrepreneur and podcast host Casey Adams shares his remarkable journey, highlighting the transformative power of discipline, gratitude, and seizing opportunities.

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Side Hustle

This Former Ph.D. Student Started a Side Hustle to Graduate Without Debt — Now He Makes $30,000 a Month and Can Complete a Job in 15 Minutes

Sina Omosowon, founder of TV-mounting business Shine, turned down job offers post-graduation to be his own boss.

Business News

A Millennial Explains How He Makes Over $250,000 Secretly Working 2 Remote Jobs — And Shares 4 Tips for the Overemployed

He says he has found "financial stability and freedom" and would love to add on a third job if he can find the right fit.


3 Hacks That Can Help You Get High-Quality Matches on Dating Apps, According to the Lead Engineer Behind a Very Exclusive One

Amanda Bradford, founder, CEO and lead engineer of selective dating app The League, knows what goes on behind the scenes — and how to land the dates you want.


Unlock Your Mind's Potential With AI and Brainwave Training

Dr. Patrick Porter shares insights on brain frequencies and brainwave entrainment, explaining how they help us manage stress and anxiety.

Money & Finance

This Former Statistics Professor Has Made Over $1 Million 'Investing' in Sports. These Are the 2 Tactics He's Using to Bet on the Super Bowl.

"To me, this is like Christmas," David Beaudoin says of the national sporting event. "This is the most lucrative day of the year."

Side Hustle

This Former Amazon Employee Started a Side Hustle Because She Wanted 'Lifestyle Freedom' — Now Her Business Earns $100,000 a Month

Julie Berninger, former tech project manager and current Etsy shop owner, successfully transitioned her side hustle into a full-scale business, Gold City Ventures.


'Benign Neglect' Is a Parenting Style That Makes Children More Confident, Experts Say — Here's How to Do It Right

When practiced effectively, "benign neglect" can foster happiness and independence, paving the path for a child's long-term success.


Breaking Out of the Matrix — How to Take Control of Your Life and Create a More Fulfilling Future

Find freedom and fulfillment by embracing new paths and opening your mind to abnormal experiences.