Taxes - Page 10

Tax season on your mind? See what you need to know about business and corporate taxes, plus discover news and tips on tax filings and refunds.


Do the Top 1% Really Cheat on Their Taxes?

Does paying little to no taxes make you a tax cheat?

Business News

Will Biden's Proposed Tax Hikes Prevent Companies From Hiring?

A recent survey reveals that most CEOs don't agree with the president's plan to increase the corporate tax rate.

Business News

Nike, HP and Other Large Corporations Got Away With Not Paying Any Federal Taxes on Their 2020 Profits

At least 55 of America's largest companies avoided federal taxation last year by using certain tax breaks, some of which had been revived during the pandemic.

More Posts on Taxes


The Government Wants You to Become an Entrepreneur

Tax law is designed to work for business owners.

Money & Finance

Tax Rules for Buying and Selling Bitcoin and Other Crypto

The IRS has given guidance twice on cryptocurrency tax issues.


These 6 Tax Tips Will Help Make Tax Season Easy for Your Business

Tax season causes many entrepreneurs and business owners unnecessary anxiety due to fear of the unknown. But when you are prepared ahead of time and understand the process, tax season can be a breeze to flow through.

Business News

6 Stimulus Bill Benefits You Need to Know About, Including Your $1,400 Check

President Joe Biden's $1.9 trillion stimulus bill, which he signed into effect today, will provide more than just much-needed cash to struggling families.


2 Ways to Mess with the IRS

A CPA, CMA and self-described "cashflow maven" explains how to expedite your tax savings plan with a pair of super-easy pointers.

Business News

Warren's Wealth Tax: How Much Bezos, Musk, Gates and Zuckerberg Would Pay

The 15 richest Americans would contribute about a third of the tax, two tax groups said.


Small Business Owners: Here's What You Need to Keep, Here's What You Can Shred

Each year a business generates a lot of paperwork that must be organized and saved. Make sure you know what to keep and what to shred.

Business News

Coronavirus Stimulus Checks: How Delaying Paying Your Taxes Could Help You Get More

Here's why you might not want to file your taxes right away.


How to Give Yourself a Tax Cut

Don't wait for politicians to give you a tax break. Here are some ways to give yourself one.