

Business News

Exxon Mobil (XOM) vs. Chevron (CVX) - Analyzing Long-Term Value in 2024 and Beyond

The energy sector is poised to witness steady growth amid growing demand and possible supply cuts. In such a scenario, let’s analyze the potential of two key players in this...

Business News

Stock Alert: Breakout or Fake Out?

The S&P 500 (SPY) officially made new highs this week. Perhaps a reason to celebrate more gains on the way...or perhaps there are signs this move is hollow leading to...

Business News

3 Retail Stock Buys for a Balanced Portfolio

The amplified influence of social media, increased internet penetration, and technological prowess are driving the retail industry. Therefore, it could be wise to buy fundamentally strong retail stocks, Ross Stores...

Business News

GME (GameStop) Earnings Preview: Can Gaming Sector Momentum Be Sustained?

GameStop’s (GME) preliminary first-quarter 2024 results reveal a drop in net sales and significant losses. The retailer faces challenges from reduced demand for physical games and heightened competition from e-commerce...

Business News

3 Chip Stocks to Watch for June Surge

The chip sector is expected to demonstrate strength, owing to soaring demand for chips across different sectors and rapid technological advancements. Therefore, investors could look to add fundamentally strong chip...

Business News

3 Tech Equities ETFs for Aggressive Investors

Tech ETFs provide exposure to companies at the forefront of technological innovation, significant growth potential, and diversification. Thus, it could be wise to invest in robust tech equities ETFs First...