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Business News

Click It

Our "Biz 101" tech makeover winner learns to save time and money.

Business News

Workplace 2005

Telecommuting, virtual offices, dispersed staff . . . if you're worried that you can't keep up with the ever-changing workplace, never fear. Here's a jump-start on new trends and technologies to help you ease your business into the future.

Business News

Half Pints

Wireless routers have the size advantage.

Business News

Go Wireless and Work From Anywhere in Your Home

Set up shop on the back porch? A wireless home network boosts productivity and makes life a lot easier.

Business News

To the Rescue

''Help! My office is obsolete!'' cried entrepreneurs across the land, but who needed the most help? Xerox and <i>Entrepreneur</i> found out with their office makeover contest--and turned a tragic office ''don't'' into a fabulous office ''do.''

Business News

Go, Go Gadgets

The winner of our tech makeover contest makes the most of her new gizmos on the road.