Carolyn Young

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Business News

What to Do Before Cashing Out a 401K

A 401K is an employer-sponsored retirement savings plan that employees can contribute to pre-tax, thus reducing their annual tax liability. Some employers also contribute to the account as a benefit...

Business News

Pros and Cons of Using Your 401K to Buy a House

Saving for a down payment on a house is often not an easy task. A down payment can be a substantial amount of money, depending on the price of the...

Business News

All You Need to Know About State-Run Auto-IRA Programs

Almost half of private sector workers in the United States do not have access to employer sponsored retirement plans. This is one of the factors contributing to the large number...

Business News

AI and Retirement – How It Will Affect Your Retirement Savings

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is impacting humans more than any of us realize. It's being used by marketers to gain customer insights, by manufacturers to automate processes, and by many businesses...

Business News

Retirement Guide for the Self-Employed

More and more people are entering the world of entrepreneurship. Being self-employed is appealing to many, offering freedom and control of your own future, as well as unlimited income potential....

Business News

The Bank Crisis and How it Will Affect the Future of Entrepreneurs

The news is full of doom and gloom about the bank crisis and a potential recession, causing many consumers and business owners to fear the future. A bank crisis does,...

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