Hayden Field: Page 5

Entrepreneur Staff
Associate Editor

Hayden Field is an associate editor at Entrepreneur. She covers technology, business and science. Her work has also appeared in Fortune Magazine, Mashable, Refinery29 and others. 

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Business News

Ship Built With World Trade Center Steel Docks in Manhattan for 31st Annual Fleet Week

Starting Thursday, ship tours of the USS New York will be offered from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Pier 88.

Growing a Business

3 Tips for Pitching Investors Your Big Idea (60-Second Video)

The more you say, the more fodder there is for doubt, so be clear and concise with your pitch and your answers.

Business Ideas

This Entrepreneur Built a Business That Pays You to Listen to Podcasts. Here Are His 4 Tips for a Successful Business Idea.

Podcoin is billed as the first app to reward podcast listeners for their time.


Former NFL Star Jason Avant Has a New Career -- In Trampoline Parks

The athlete found a second act as a Launch Trampoline Park franchisee.

Money & Finance

After More Than $700,000 Disappeared, They Launched the World's First Embezzlement Insurance

These entrepreneurs invented a product to protect business owners from the next Bernie Madoff -- or any other crooked financial advisor.


Deepak Chopra on Motivation, Meditation and Finding Peace in the Information Age (Podcast)

Technology can be a hindrance to mindfulness, but Chopra has identified ways to help make the two work in tandem.

Recently Edited Content by Hayden Field


The Rise of Alternative Venture Capital

A new age of startup investing has arisen amid the demands of entrepreneurs, and it is altering the traditional venture capital model as we know it.

Thought Leaders

How to Build a Community like Lyft, Airbnb and Github

How these giants built three pillars into their businesses (and how you can too).

Resumes & Interviewing

How Hiring People With Disabilities Will Make Your Business Stronger

Struggling to find a great candidate for your open position? Try thinking outside the traditional box.

Resumes & Interviewing

I've Interviewed and Hired Thousands of People. Here's What to Keep in Mind Before Offering the Job.

Standing up unapologetically for your company's culture will help you zero in on mismatches that could become liabilities later.

Science & Technology

In Technology, Entrepreneurs Must Take the Biggest Shots to Make the Biggest Gains

Here's how "moonshot thinking" can transform entrepreneurship - and three areas it could benefit the most.


What Small Business Owners Should Know About Wrongful Termination Lawsuits

Award amounts can range from $5,000 to $80,000. Many claims are settled by employers to avoid damage to the company's reputation.