John Rampton: Page 14

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® VIP
Entrepreneur and Connector

John Rampton is an entrepreneur, investor and startup enthusiast. He is the founder of the calendar productivity tool Calendar.

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Latest: Page 14

Starting a Business

Starting Your Business: The Tools, Resources and Mindset You Need to Succeed

Never underestimate how much money you need to start, how long it will before you turn a profit or how hard you will have to work.


What Successful Entrepreneurs Do Every Day Before Work

Morning is the best time of day. It's a shame to sleep through it.


12 Easy and Efficient Ways Entrepreneurs Can Help Others

Everybody is busy, so find another excuse for not giving back.

Growing a Business

25 Time-Tested Ways to Schedule a Call With a Business Prospect

A prospect wants to know you're worth listening to before they give you their time.


12 Passive-Aggressive Phrases That Can Destroy Your Business

Maybe you think you're being polite, but everybody else thinks you're being a jerk.

Making a Change

9 Signs You Should (Maybe) Quit Your Job Now

Are you stuck pondering if you should leave your current position or just hang in there? Consider these key signals.