John Rampton: Page 16

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® VIP
Entrepreneur and Connector

John Rampton is an entrepreneur, investor and startup enthusiast. He is the founder of the calendar productivity tool Calendar.

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Latest: Page 16

Growing a Business

7 Mission Statements That Inspire You to Buy

A clear, no-frills vision statement explains why your business exists and why people can feel good working for you and buying from you.


From Barely Surviving' to Thriving: Top Managers Stress Less When They Delegate More

Do less. We're all bored with each other's workload martyrdom.


When to Turn Down a Promising Job Candidate

The most enjoyable person you ever interviewed is not necessarily the most enjoyable person to employ.


4 Culture Pitfalls to Avoid After Big Success

Success always brings new problems.


Here's How My Biggest Business Failure Improved My Leadership Skills

Everybody is a genius when things are going good. Failure and what follows is when you really learn who has what to offer.


7 Sneaky Opportunities to Get Ahead on Your Work When You're Behind

A few overlooked minutes here and there put to good use quickly adds up.