Jonathan Small: Page 5

Entrepreneur Staff
Founder, Write About Now Media

Jonathan Small is an award-winning author, journalist, producer, and podcast host. For 25 years, he has worked as a sought-after storyteller for top media companies such as The New York Times, Hearst, Entrepreneur, and Condé Nast. He has held executive roles at Glamour, Fitness, and Entrepreneur and regularly contributes to The New York Times, TV Guide, Cosmo, Details, Maxim, and Good Housekeeping. He is the former “Jake” advice columnist for Glamour magazine and the “Guy Guru” at Cosmo.

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Latest: Page 5

Social Media

'It's Uncomfortable': Women Say They're Being Trolled for Dates on LinkedIn.

For too many users, LinkedIn has become an alternative to Tinder.


Acariciar al perro de otra persona durante 10 minutos puede ayudarte a reducir el estrés

Esta es la razón por la que interactuar con tu perro o los de otras personas puede mejorar tu salud física y mental.

Health & Wellness

Petting Another Person's Dog for 10 Minutes Can Reduce Stress

The science behind why interacting with even other people's pups can boost your physical and mental health.


'I Cannot Wait to Host You': Gwyneth Paltrow Just Listed Her Guesthouse On Airbnb.

The Goop founder says she hopes 'we'll find connections and commonalities over a delicious meal.'

Business News

Phoenix Has Hit 110 Degrees for a Month, But This One Invention Is Cooling Things Down a Tad

For the Arizona city amid a record-breaking heat wave, cool surfaces bring a modicum of relief.

Business News

An LA Thief Cut a Hole In Store Roof and Stole $600,000 of Fine Wine. 'Like Something Out of 'Ocean's Eleven.'

The wine crime was one of the largest in California's history.