Kenneth Burke: Page 2

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
Vice President of Marketing

Kenneth Burke has written over 1,000 articles on business growth and helped companies from pre-launch startups to billion-dollar businesses achieve their goals. He's also a champion for Chattanooga, TN and always open to a new book recommendation.

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5 Steps Every 1-Person Sales and Marketing Team Should Follow

Feel like you need to be doing everything? You don't ... just follow these five steps.


5 pasos para hacer apuestas de marketing ganadoras

Los mejores planes de marketing aún implican una tonelada de riesgo. Aquí le mostramos cómo asegurarse de que el riesgo valga la pena.


5 Steps to Make Winning Marketing Bets

The best laid marketing plans still involve a ton of risk. Here's how to make sure that risk is worth it.


5 Steps to Creating Successful Marketing Campaigns

From startups to Fortune 100 brands, great marketing teams share common strategies to create compelling campaigns.


5 pasos para crear campañas de marketing exitosas

Desde empresas emergentes hasta marcas Fortune 100, los grandes equipos de marketing comparten estrategias comunes para crear campañas convincentes.