Madeline Garfinkle: Page 5

News Writer

Madeline Garfinkle is a News Writer at She is a graduate from Syracuse University, and received an MFA from Columbia University. 

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Latest: Page 5

Business News

Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Accusing Wendy's and McDonald's of Size Exaggeration in Ads

The judge wondered if the plaintiff had even seen the advertisements in question.

Business News

KFC Has Been Dethroned as No. 2 Chicken Chain in the U.S. — Here's Who Took Its Spot

A viral chicken sandwich led to an increase in market share.

Business News

The AI Job Market Is Surging and Paying Up to $300K a Year. Here's How to Snag a Role.

According to a new LinkedIn report, AI jobs can be found in a wide range of fields.

Business News

75,000 Kaiser Permanente Unionized Employees Launch Historic Strike Over Pay and Staffing Concerns

It's the largest healthcare worker strike in the United States, affecting 40% of Kaiser Permanente's workforce across multiple states and the District of Columbia.

Business News

Two of Amazon's Most Popular Prime Features Might Actually Be Illegal

Among the practices under scrutiny by the FTC are Amazon's "Buy Now" button and the shipping component of Prime.