Nicole Bernard: Page 2

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
Marketing Strategist & Founder at nb. marketing

Nicole Bernard's career began with Microsoft over 15 years ago, and since that time, she has owned and operated two successful businesses as well as worked with other major brands including RE/MAX and Venus Williams. She also hosts a popular podcast.

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Latest: Page 2

Thought Leaders

What Is Your Entrepreneurial Superpower?

A recent experience coaching my daughter's soccer team reminded me of my strengths as a business owner.

Estrategias de crecimiento

5 lecciones fundamentales que he aprendido al entrevistar a más de 100 emprendedores

He entrevistado a más de 100 emprendedores en los últimos dos años. Estas son las cosas que he aprendido que han ayudado a mi negocio a lograr un crecimiento tremendo.

Growing a Business

5 Critical Lessons I've Learned From Interviewing Over 100 Entrepreneurs

I have interviewed more than 100 entrepreneurs over the last two years. Here are the things I've learned that have helped my business achieve tremendous growth.


¿Olvidó la salsa de tomate en su estrategia de marketing?

La mayoría de los dueños de negocios comienzan su negocio sin tener primero en orden su base de marketing. Esto es lo que necesita saber para que su estrategia sea más eficaz y eficiente.


Did You Forget the Ketchup in Your Marketing Strategy?

Most business owners start their business without getting their marketing foundation in order first. Here's what you need to know to make your strategy more effective and efficient.

Thought Leaders

I Made This Simple Mistake and Lost My Entire Business at Its Peak

A neighbor complained about a lively day of business at my brewery, and that was the beginning of the end.