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Business News

Don't Be a Sucker…the Worst Is Still to Come

Inflation news provides more signs the worst in the stock market (SPY) is not behind us. Earnings season is providing more signs the worst is not behind us. Economic reports...

Business News

What is the Next Bear Market Catalyst?

2022 has not been fun as the S&P 500 (SPY) has spent the better part of the last month in bear market territory. For as painful as that is there...

Business News

Stock Market Bottom? Think Again…

Determining bear market bottom is much easier in hindsight than doing it in real time. That's because the stock market (SPY) offers up many impressive bounces that give the illusion...

Business News

Investor Alert: Prepare to Hit New Lows in July

For as brutal as the market has been so far in is likely about to get much worse. Why? Because Q2 earnings season is about to roll out and...

Business News

Recession is Here...Watch Out Below!

More and more it looks like recession is here. This includes a dramatic decline for ISM Manufacturing discovered this morning. As you likely know, most economist call manufacturing the "canary...

Business News

Stocks to Fall MUCH FURTHER this Bear Market Cycle

Spoiler alert...the bear market is not over. Unfortunately history shows that the S&P 500 (SPY) has much further to fall to squeeze out excess valuation. That is just a natural...