Syed Balkhi: Page 10

Entrepreneur, Growth Hacker and Marketer

Syed Balkhi is an entrepreneur and the co-founder of WPBeginnerOptinMonster and WPForms

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Latest: Page 10


4 Ways Guest Blogging Grows Your Blog Audience Quickly

Guest blogging is basically getting an influencer to introduce you to their audience.


7 Tips for Delivering Negative Feedback to Employees Without Being a Jerk

Sharing the not-so-good news is easier if you have a positive working relationship with your employees.


Entrepreneurs Can Save Their Startups When They Stop Micromanaging

Micromanagement can be bad for business. Here are five tips to help you let go.


7 Habits That Undermine Entrepreneurial Leadership

Make a committment to being a better leader and those efforts will pay off.


7 Qualities Every Entrepreneur Should Look for in a Co-Founder

You don't want a 'yes' man. You don't want someone who's cooperative at the price of passivity. And you do want someone with equal passion.


5 Ways to Battle Procrastination

Distractions can cause serious problems in your productivity. Don't let them become habitual.