Gracy Fernandez


Gracy Fernandez is the CEO and founder of car rental platform, Graventure. 



Can Ed-Tech Democratize Education In Asia Pacific?

Asia Pacific has begun to take a more digital approach to education. But these efforts have little visibility.

Starting a Business

Why Launching Your Startup Early Could Be A Problem

Every company is part of a larger innovation ecosystem, all of which play a role in ensuring that your product is accepted by the market


How These Three Companies Are Revolutionising Recruiting in Asia Pacific

Employees hired via a referral or recommendation tend to be a better cultural fit, contribute more value to the company, and even stay longer


Four Agri-Tech Innovations in Asia Pacific that Are Changing the Game for Agriculture

With food shortage threatening the region, agri-tech may be one of the few fields where entrepreneurs can create social impact and make good money

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