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Keep Your Monday Morning Blues at the Bay Surely, it is your dream job, but is it turning the way you always wished it to be? Find the root cause of this disillusion.

By Pratik Kanada

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No matter even if the interest you possess for your job is skyrocketing, not being able to drag yourself to the office on Mondays is the saga of every post-weekend phase. No, it isn't that you hate your job or even worse, perhaps you do, but you cannot always skip Mondays! So, however, the tough does it feels to climb the mountain of mundane Monday and get going on the weekend, you are ought to do it.

To make the matter less complex here are several tips to eradicate Monday morning blues from your calendar-

1. Positive note – Most of us begin to crib on Monday for being Monday right from the Sunday evening. This creates negative emotions about the day in our minds tending to make the matter worse. Hence, always begin the day on the positive note. You need to look ahead at the week holding an extremely positive perception.

2. Identify the cause – Going to the roots of the problem leads to the offering of the solution. Perhaps it is the tiresome efforts that you put into traveling or maybe the wrath of your colleagues gets intolerable or is the work pressure coupled with mental harassment. Surely, it is your dream job, but is it turning the way you always wished it to be? Find the root cause of this disillusion.

3. What is exciting? – Do not concentrate on the pending work you need to deal with this week nor should you focus on the tougher tasks you would throw yourself to. Instead, focus on the good and exciting things. This could be someone's birthday celebration or a project you were waiting for. In short think of the things that make are positive and worth looking forward.

4. No compromise on relaxation time – unnecessarily traveling that would only leave you exhausted can impeccably give you Monday morning blues. Instead, you need to have a sound sleep that would make the weekend look like a weekend re-energizing you to kick start the week with. When your body is tired you tend to become frustrated and overloaded with work.

5. Draw the boundaries – It so happens that sometimes you stress over the job even after completing your 8-9 hours shift. This should be avoided. Draw your boundary lines quite clearly. Once you leave your office to remember that you are in your personal space and this space should be thoroughly enjoyed. Leaving office worries at the office makes room for you to spend quality time with family and friends. So when you are on the weekend, you are ought to be there mentally and physically instead of the office.

6. Sound sleep – Avoid exhausting yourself on the weekends. Monday morning blues, especially occur when you have not rested properly and your body still craves for sound sleep. Getting yourself in the power saving mode over weekends is highly advisable. Have a sound sleep and avoid activities that would leave you exhausted giving you no time to rejuvenate the lost energy.

7. Dress game on point – It doesn't matter how dreadfully dry, do you feel at your job, dressing your best is not going to harm you in anyway. Keeping your dressing game on point certainly, exudes positive vibe to your as well as others. Hence, even if you are pretty much thoughtless and thankless to your job, please make it a point to dress at your best every day moreover especially on Mondays.

8. Indulge in nice things – Being CEO of a mobile app development company, I always follow a rule that says "if you are having a bad day, make someone's day better." Indulging yourself in doing nicer things for others would spawn positive energy around you. So, irrespective of atrocities Monday morning blues make you face put efforts in making someone else's day.

9. Keep it light – Assuming that you are already drained on Mondays do not overburden yourself. Try making it a point to postpone the tasks that can be handled later in the coming week. You can certainly set priorities and cease the tasks that are significant and urgent while others can be served later on.

10. Add fun element – You need to add little extra efforts when it comes to having fun on Monday on contrary to the rest of the weekdays. Perhaps you can bake cakes and bring to the office or buy some extra snacks to keep yourself interested or perhaps a juice bottle would be more than enough. The basic point is that in order to beat these blues you should keep adding the elements of interest to your working hours.

11. A plan post work – Having something to do after the work can make you look forward to the Monday. Prepare a plan with a friend or two or even if you choose your own company it is going to be all right. Plan a simple family dinner, a visit to a nearby library or Zumba classes every Monday.

Monday morning blue is experienced psychologically without a doubt hence bending your perception a little bit would aid in sorting these blues like a pro. These tips shall help you in coping up however nothing can replace your willpower.

Pratik Kanada

CEO, 360 Degree Technosoft

CEO of 360 Degree Technosoft, a mobile app development company. Writes about Leadership, Start-up Quests, Social Media, Latest Tech Trends and Mobile Applications.

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